A credit score is a snapshot of the risk you pose to a lender should they decide to lend to you. Now, the very fact that if you live without having to borrow from anyone and pay all your bills on time gives you a zero rating should show how flawed the system is. Further proof is reflected in your score from the three credit reporting bureaus, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion...it’s never the same. Heck, they don’t even have the same information most of the time...and much of the information they do have is often wrong.
I really shouldn’t have to say this but...these companies are NOT on your side. I mean. Let’s be real, when has the big company or corporation ever been on the side of the little guy?
“Despite what most people think, the credit bureaus don't work for consumers, they work for creditors. They will not accept any information from a consumer without indisputable proof, while the creditor just simply needs to make a claim and it is slapped onto your report unverified.”
“Despite what most people think, the credit bureaus don't work for consumers, they work for creditors. They will not accept any information from a consumer without indisputable proof, while the creditor just simply needs to make a claim and it is slapped onto your report unverified.”
- The Real Truth About Finance

Every time you seek to borrow money, your credit score is going to come into play. Ok...fair enough, but now your credit score is becoming the standard for everything, and it shouldn’t. This system should not be further validated by becoming the guide for other situations. Landlord’s use it to determine if you’re a good candidate for rental. Sounds like a great idea on the surface, but what about that person turned down because of a score on the lower end, that absolutely ranks putting a roof over the heads of them and their children above all else? They may have been late on that credit payment because they paid the rent. I know the mortgage is the most important bill I have because all those other bills don’t matter if I’m homeless.

Just follow the money. It’s all about the money. The Credit Card Act of 2009 was supposed to help the consumer from unfair and predatory practices by the lenders. Somebody should have told lawmakers that the industry would find a way around this...but I suppose it got lost in the sauce as they added an amendment to guns in national parks to the act. The only correlation I can make to guns and credit cards is who you might want to shoot when you get your bill.
Now I understand what a credit score meant and it becomes a standard of everything which shouldn't be in the first place. I learned a lot. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGlad I could be a useful source of information Carl...:-)
DeleteI have been intelligent for hours and I haven't gone through such awesome stuff.
ReplyDeletecredit scams
Thanks for sharing this post. There are few points regarding credit repair scams: If a company insists you pay them before they do any work on your behalf, tells you not to contact the credit reporting companies directly, tells you to dispute information in your credit report — even if you know it's accurate, tells you to give false information on your applications for credit or a loan and doesn’t explain your legal rights when they tell you what they can do for you.
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