Forgive my sarcasm, but what idiot can’t understand that is the moment of accountability? Especially when a few seconds after that, Officer Ramos hits Thomas, inciting a chain of events that lead to the death of an innocent person. This was a clear case of assault and battery…assault being the threat of violence, and battery being the violence itself.
The video is heartbreaking to watch, but everyone should watch it (especially with the text added by the court for clarity) and understand what is happening. I suppose it’s too late for the jury as they have found the cops not guilty. Kelly Thomas just died, out of the blue, with no indication that the police had anything to with his medical condition prior to his final heartbeat. The rest of us understand that the incredible physical trauma was directly responsible. At the VERY least, it’s manslaughter.
Ask yourself some questions as you watch the video. Officer Jay Cicinelli admits on film to smashing Kelly’s face to hell. Is this also a procedure to be followed after a suspect is subdued? One officer comments that Kelly has defecated himself. Watching the video, I can’t say when that happened, but if it was prior to Kelly going silent, I’d chalk it up to fear. If it happened after he was quiet and motionless, then I’m reasonably sure the cause is death.
In fact, I’m more than reasonably sure as the medics that arrived described Kelly as cyanotic and said there was no rise and fall in his chest, indicating that breathing had ceased.
Kelly Thomas was described by cops as being “on something” as an explanation of his strength in trying to preserve his life. I submit that Kelly was a man fighting for his life…and knew he was going to die. He was in this state because a cop told him that he was going to be the victim of violence, and then began beating on him. Toxicology reports showed Thomas wasn’t on anything, but I know differently. I know he had extreme amounts of adrenaline going through his system. It’s part of the fight or flight reaction the human body experiences in life altering situations.
There is no excuse for this heinous crime, no excuse for such excessive injuries. Kelly Thomas committed no crime and should have simply been told to go about his business. But because the good guys don’t wear badges anymore, just the sanctioned criminals, Thomas was killed when he could have either been freed or arrested.
There needs to be justice for Kelly Thomas. Every cop involved that decided to depart from their training in favor of murder needs to be held accountable. The only people that can make that happen are the good people that recognize the criminality of these cops. Keep asking yourself the obvious questions, no matter how difficult the answers are. Then ask yourself one final question: What would you do if it was your son that died that night?
Now, go do it…before it is.
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