Many times people hold onto much negative emotions...letting them fester and mutate instead of bringing this darkness into the light. It’s something many do and a behavior I didn’t consider to write about until I recently heard a story of such a case that had been festering...for many years. Imagine being friends with someone...close friends, for many years, and one day an inquiry into some curious behavior leads to a torrential outpouring of negative emotions against you. For you it would come as something out of the blue, from left field, off the wall. For your friend, it’s been festering for years...yes, years...and today was the day it all came to a head.
I heard this story and it gave me pause. I began to think to myself if I have been harboring any bad feelings toward anyone and if so, what was preventing me from either addressing the issue...or letting those negative emotions go. I also began an to determine if this was indeed a modus operandi of people in general...and found that although it depends on the individual and their life philosophy, many will cling to their perceptions and emotions attached to them for a long time unless otherwise resolved. Granted...my study was as far from scientific as asking a bunch of people can be, but it did give some insight into this subject matter.

Apart from the situations between friends, everyone gets to a point, at some time...where they have a surplus of frustration, anxiety, anger, or just have a moment when the weight of the world just seems crushing. Let it out. I can’t say everyone has someone to talk to...but everyone can find someone to talk to. The pool starts with family and friends, then extends to people you know...and then to people you don’t know. I mean really...if you can’t afford a professional and have no family of friends, there are still free resources available for you to let it out. Even a good yell or scream is a step in the right direction.
We see news stories all the time of people that perform heinous crimes, and although this is not, by any means, the proper venue to express unresolved emotional problems, I think it noteworthy that most of them have issues that were either unknown prior, or not acknowledged when presented. I’m not absolving any one of abhorrent behavior...I’m just saying that the philosophy of “let it out” is a good one and a positive facilitator against these acts of tragedy.

Let it all out.
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